Ann Flick’s Commitment To Your Privacy
Your privacy is important to Ann Flick Designs. To better protect your privacy the following notice explains the information collected, how it is used, how it is safeguarded, and how to contact Ann Flick if you have any concerns.
What Information Is Collected:
As part of the order process, the following information is collected from shoppers:
Name Shipping/Billing Address Email address Phone number Credit/Debit Card Information
How That Information Is Used and Protected:
- Ann Flick Designs is PCI compliant
- We have current and Updated security software
- Third Party Providers receive and store credit information, please contact them for their specific privacy policies.
- Any customer information Ann Flick Designs receives is securely stored and destroyed after use.
- Customer’s privacy is respected and no information is provided to or exchanged with outside parties.
- Please contact Ann directly with any concerns about purchasing or her privacy policies.